Showing posts with label Todd Bentley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Todd Bentley. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Todd Bentley and his healing revivals

Todd Bentley is at it again with his healing revivals and it is being shown on A friend of my wife’s alerted my wife to this revival and so my wife asked me about him. “Todd Bentley is a huckster!,” I said.

I have written about him before in 2008 in a post called Lakeland Revival: Not so much!

As a start, you can read the following:

Visions of Winnie the Pooh and a Field of Dreams?

Todd Bentley, Fresh Fire Ministries and Lakeland Revival

Todd Bentley, Fresh Fire Ministries and Lakeland Revival 2

A Lesson From the Lakeland Revival

The Lakeland, Florida Revival:  You, However, Continue

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