Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Theo-Enthumology has its own domain now!

happyfacesAlthough it is not earth-shattering, Theo-Enthumology now has its own domain. Those that come here via the blogspot URL has nothing to fear, it will still function.

I am in the process of thinking of some new blog posts to write, and I am thinking of starting a periodical podcast. So, watch this space!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The state of the church and 3D pastors

Pastor Tony Morgan (right) next
to a holographic figure.
3D pastors. Who would've thought?

If the only job of a pastor was to preach, then perhaps this would be fine. However, a pastor must be a shepherd! That is the meaning of the word!

Holograms do not shepherd! In fact, technology is the death of the church! Why do I say this?

It has become way too easy for people to use only technology to make up their daily spiritual diet. Christians no longer come together as the people of God, because the over-use of technology has sent a message of total individualism to the church, making the local church a nuisance to our every day lives. Suddenly, we are more interested in what Tom, Dick and Harriet from across the big, blue pond have to say. Pastors have become irrelevant to modern Christians, because they can simply switch on the TV, or stream a video of a sermon via the internet, preached by a pastor that we will never get into contact with.

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