Showing posts with label Reformation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reformation. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Reformation must continue

reformation_dayThe church is in need of reformation today as much as it did back in the middle ages! Back then, the Roman Catholic institution (RCi) taught gross heresies that damned millions to hell. Not much has changed in this regard. The sad thing of it all is that in the protestant church today, and within evangelicalism, the same reformation is needed.

In the evangelical church today we find preachers of large churches not knowing what Christianity is, declaring that Mormons are Christians! (Read this open letter to Joel Osteen). Other heretics are accepted into the fold without any qualms. Churches are doing the ridiculous to overtly be like the world.

I have written concerning The Reformation before, and for a short introduction on The Reformation, read The Reformation – Unleashing salvation. (Also read this). The Reformation is part of a very important period of the history of the church (read my article Church History: Saving Us from Ourselves to learn why it is a generally good idea to read church history). Although the start of The Reformation is attributed to Martin Luther, and rightly so, when, on 31 October 1517, he nailed his 95 theses against indulgences and corruption within the Roman Catholic institution onto the Castle Church’s door in Wittenburg, there were rumblings of reformation before that. What Luther did was to give the snowball of reformation a decisive push over the edge of a snowy mountain! Of course, this snowball grew fairly rapidly, and had a great impact not just in Germany where it all started, but also in France (to a slightly lesser degree), Switzerland, Netherlands, Scotland, England, the Scandinavian countries and further afield.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Martin Luther on a Manic Monday (Reformation Day)

It is very appropriate to have the Bangles song, Manic Monday, conscripted towards highlighting Reformation Day today in song. 494 years ago today, on 31 October 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 these on the Wittenburg church door, which set the Reformation into full motion. It is worth thinking about The Reformation today, even if only to remember how God brought back the truth of His gospel, to a dying church! You can visit The Gospel Coalition for some Resources for Reformation Day

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Started podcasting: The Reformation

podcastI recently decided to also start podcasting! Yeah! I know! I am not that important! Well, I decided to do it anyway! There are all these avenues to express ourselves and to spread God’s truth.

The first podcast is called The Reformation: Unleashing salvation. I wanted to have it online by last Sunday, 31 October 2010, “Reformation Day!” But, due to glitches with the hosting service that was recommended online, I had to scrap that idea. The actual episode was ready, but the hoster was not good enough!

Well, I have chosen a new hosting service, and just hope that it works out ok!

Anyway, here is my first podcast, and aptly, it is on the Reformation, a time in the church’s history that today’s evangelical church has forgotten, and that is truly sad!

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