Showing posts with label John MacArthur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John MacArthur. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2012

[VIDEO] Joel Osteen is dangerous

Related to my previous post on Joel Osteen, and his terrible a-discernment concerning the Mormon faith, here is a video by Todd Friel on this situation.

Friday, January 07, 2011

John MacArthur's theology of work sermon series

John MacArthur
John MacArthur has done a great series of sermons on the theology of work, called Wisdom in the Workplace.

From his first sermon in this series:

"I don't know if you think about work like that, you probably don't. Some of you think about work as a sort of a drudgery that you have to do, whether it's your work at a job that you possess or whether it's domestic work in the home, it's just something that's necessary and you do it and it isn't particularly joyous but it's there and it has to be done. Some of you think about work in relationship to money. You think about work as a way in which you can purchase your pleasures, if you will, purchase the life style that you're after. Some of you think about work as a way to fulfill your ego and achieve what you feel you need to achieve so that you can gain some accolades from the people around you. Some of you think about work as a way to fulfill your ambition, a way to fulfill your gifts and skills, a way to accomplish some meaningful purposeful thing with your life. Some of you think about work as a way to serve people, as a way to make life easier for some folks, as offering a service rendered to them that can be a source of pleasure or enjoyment to them.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Biblical shepherding is not for the weak

jesusshepherdVery often these days, too often, we read about or watch so-called shepherds of God's flock being unfaithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I wrote a post just recently on Joel Osteen fudging the gospel!

The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians concerning the stewards of the gospel:

"[1] This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. [2] Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. (1Co 4:1-2)"

A preacher of the gospel must be a trustworthy steward of that given to him. A steward does not own what he has been put in charge of. He is to manage his charge well. And that charge is not anything found within the vast imaginative recesses of the shepherd's mind! He is to be a steward of "the mysteries of God!" If the church were a secular club of sorts, then it would be conceivable to think that the pastor (shepherd) could come up with all kinds of clever ideas as to how he would run the church and what he would say to his flock on Sundays or on other occasions.

John MacArthur does not fudge the gospel!

After writing about Joel Osteen fudging the gospel, I thought I’d show you how it is supposed to be done! Here John MacArthur makes use of every opportunity to tell the truth of the gospel.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ESV MacArthur Study Bible now available!

One of the great study Bibles is now available in the ESV, one of the best translations of the Bible.

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