Showing posts with label Gary Habermas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gary Habermas. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dealing with doubt

Francis Schaeffer, the thinker!
Most Christians, at least those that are real people, encounter doubt about their faith sometime in their lives. To some, this is the greatest sin a Christian can ever commit! Yet, those that have encountered a crisis of faith such as Francis Schaeffer did, and have had to struggle with the questions of life, usually came out stronger in their faith after the crisis.

But, the fact is that not all of us are great intense thinkers! The good thing is that there are, and have been, some really great Christian thinkers. Some that come to mind are St. Augustine, Pascal, William Wilberforce, William Gladstone (whom I was named after), Isaac Newton, Schaeffer and many more. We can make use of the resources these people have produced in writing to learn from and to bolster our faith.

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