Showing posts with label Apologetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apologetics. Show all posts

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dr Michael Licona to visit South Africa!

From the website of Mike Licona the following:

Mike Licona has a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies (University of Pretoria), which he completed with distinction. He serves as research professor of New Testament at Southern Evangelical Seminary and as external research collaborator at North-West University (Potschefstroom). Mike was interviewed by Lee Strobel in his book The Case for the Real Jesus and appeared in Strobel's video The Case for Christ. He is the author of numerous books including The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach (IVP Academic, 2010), Paul Meets Muhammad (Baker, 2006), co-author with Gary Habermas of the award-winning book The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Kregel, 2004) and co-editor with William Dembski of Evidence for God: 50 Arguments for Faith from the Bible, History, Philosophy, and Science (Baker, 2010). Mike is a member of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the Society of Biblical Literature. He has spoken on more than 50 university campuses, and has appeared on dozens of radio and television programs.”

Dr. Michael Licona will be visiting South Africa from 18 September to 26 September. I know I have reported on this previously, but for those who can, and live around Gauteng (South Africa), it will be well worth the effort to hear Mike Licona speak. To find out where he will be speaking (and debating) visit my previous report on his visit!

Isn’t it interesting that he got his Ph.D from Tukkies and he is a research collaborator at Pukke?!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Mike Licona in South Africa in September

mike_licona“Mike Licona is the Apologetics Coordinator at the North American Mission Board and Research Professor of New Testament at Southern Evangelical Seminary. He was interviewed by Lee Strobel in his book The Case for the Real Jesus and appeared in Strobel's video The Case for Christ. He has engaged in public debate on Jesus' resurrection with Bart Ehrman (UNC), Elaine Pagels (Princeton), and numerous others. He is the author of The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach (IVP Academic, 2010), Paul Meets Muhammad (Baker, 2006), co-author with Gary Habermas of the award-winning book The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Kregel, 2004), and co-editor with William Dembski of Evidence for God: 50 Arguments for Faith from the Bible, History, Philosophy, and Science (Baker, 2010). Mike has a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies which he completed "with distinction" from the University of Pretoria. He is a member of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the Society of Biblical Literature. Mike is a frequent speaker on university campuses, churches, and has appeared on countless radio and television programs.” (Risen Jesus)

Dr. Mike Licona will be in Pretoria, South Africa from 18-26 September 2011. To find out where he will be speaking and for the debate, read about it here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Francis Schaeffer Lecture Collection

Francis Schaeffer (30 January 1912 – 15 May 1984) has long been one of the most popular Christian philosophers and theologians, even after his death in 1994. He has written several books and lectured all over the world.apologetics315

Wheaton College has made available a large collection of lectures by the late Francis Schaeffer. A short list of categories can be found at Apologetics315.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to get apologetics in your church

Apologetics315 has started a series on how you can get apologetics in your church. So far they have done 15 sessions and is available on their blog here. It is also available as MP3s or you can subscribe to their podcast feed.

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