Sunday, March 30, 2014

Review: Francis Schaeffer by Mostyn Roberts


Title: Francis Schaeffer
Author: Mostyn Roberts
Series: Bitesize Biographies
Publisher: EP Books
Year: 2012
ISBN: 0-85234-792-8
ISBN-13: 978-085234-792-8
Pages: 146
Format: Paperback

Francis Schaeffer is one of the 20th century’s greatest influencers towards thinking Christianity. To him, Christianity was not simply a form of mysticism, and neither was it a leap of faith into the unknown. To Francis Schaeffer, Christianity was rational—not rationalistic. Christianity had all the answers to life’s big questions, and Schaeffer did not shy away from answering those questions.

From academics, to blue collar workers, all were important to Schaeffer, and he believed that each one had to be answered on his own level.

Mostyn Roberts wrote a very easy to read introduction to the life and ideas of Francis Schaeffer. Roberts writes about Schaeffer’s early years all the way to the end of his life in 1984, laying out a history of Schaeffer’s life, but also includes his teachings, apologetics, films, politics and his final battle with cancer.

Schaeffer left a legacy that every Christian would do well to learn from and emulate. Schaeffer taught us that it is important for Christians to think.

If you want to learn about Schaeffer, this is the book to start on. It is easy to read, doesn’t drag things out and it really accomplishes its purpose, which is to introduce the reader to Francis Schaeffer.

Once you are done reading this book, and you would like to know more about Schaeffer, then you can move onto FRANCIS SCHAEFFER: an Authentic Life by Colin Duriez (hardcover, kindle).

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