I have joined a program by Multnomah Books in which I get free books from them, and then I have to read them and write a review on the book.
In this case, I was given the Ollie Chandler Collection written by Randy Alcorn. I have a teaching book by Alcorn, which I enjoyed. And, it was based on that book that I accepted this collection to review.
Now, if you know me, you would also know that I can read several books at a time. Right now I am reading 2 books on software development, one sci-fi novel, one classic novel and one book on Islam from a Christian point of view. I have also just finished a book on the Biblical teaching on homosexuality.
That is why this review on the Ollie Chandler Collection certainly is not my best.
To tell you the truth, I did not even finish the collection. I am not much of a fiction reader and only read fiction to break the "tone" of my reading a bit. Hence, when I do read fiction, it really has to grab me, which this "trilogy" did not do. My wife read all 3 books and enjoyed it. So, it is not as if I am saying they were bad at all. In fact, my wife belongs to a Christian ladies' book club and all the ladies there enjoyed it.
Somehow it just did not grab me.
I have written other (better) reviews here and here.
gcestrategic 33p · 297 weeks ago
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